Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Days like that should last and last

Just an update on all of the fun that happened this weekend..

To start, Saturday we had a basket of wine and cheese delivered to our front door!  Which meant, our picnic was practically already put together.  :)  Thanks Mom!

Saturday evening we went to see "Death of a Salesman" at the Greenbrier Theatre.  It was phenomenal.  Jason and I were fighting back tears the whole second half.  The Greenbrier Theatre is very small, but so charming.  I would say it sat around 100 people or so... which made it very intimate and nice.  The cast was so talented, but the actor who played one of the brothers, Biff, was my favorite.  This show was supposedly one of the best at the theatre because all of the actors were called in from outside of Lewisburg.  So to sum it up, Experience it sometime.  You will not be disappointed.

For Sunday, I wanted to bring back the spirit of our honeymoon in Mayan Riviera, Mexico...So we started our morning with a yummy Mexican breakfast burrito.  I just wish we could have had the resort to bring it to us in bed. :) After breakfast, Jason had to meet up with a study group.. which gave me a chance to get the picnic together.  Since we were already blessed with a basket of heaven,  I just made sandwiches, and packed some fruit to bring with the wine.  Jason came home from studying, and the bike fun began...  I was determined to ride our bikes down the river trail, but being that we don't have a bike rack - we had to get creative.

After a good 30 minutes... We were successful.  :)  We had a great ride down the trail, and the picnic was perfection.  Something about the river trail is just so peaceful.  Everything always feels right here.  I can't believe such a beautiful place is only a couple miles from our apartment.

 We finished the day off relaxing at home.  I made Chicken Alfredo, and we stuffed ourselves until we were miserable.  Later, we had a candle lit Pandora jam season.  Wonderful music and a nice scented room is a great recipe for a deep night's sleep.  I would say our anniversary weekend celebration was a hit.  I realized how much the little things in life make days like that so special.  I wish it could have lasted forever.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

One year down... many more to go

Tomorrow makes a year since Jason and I were married.  As typical as it is to say.. it honestly doesn't feel like it has even been 3 months.  Maybe it was because of the big move and him starting medical school, but it flew by.  Everyone has always told us that the first year is the hardest.  After dating throughout high school and college, we had been together for seven years before we were married.  I think we were already so use to each other's quirks and weird habits that we didn't have much to learn in the first year.  (other than what to do in the bedroom) lol! So in all, I would say our first year was a success.  We are still in love, I still clean up after him, he stills puts up with me snoring, and we are both still as boring as the elderly.

To celebrate, tonight we are going to see "Death of a Salesman" in downtown Lewisburg.  I'm excited to have a night out on the town.  I've discovered today that the best thing about being a med student in a small, artsy town is getting the student discount everywhere.  Jason and I saved 15$ on the tickets.. so for all of the millions of Lewisburgers reading.. make sure to tell everyone you're a student.  It's almost as fun as being a senior citizen! :)

Tomorrow, we are going for a bike ride and picnic on the Greenbrier River Trail.  We have a nice rock picked out, but now I just need to come up with a scrumptious on-the-go lunch menu.  My best friend, Martha Stewart, just had an appearance on Oprah where she demonstrated how to make grown up grilled cheese sandwiches, and homemade bloody marys... I'm thinking that could be a hit, or maybe just a nice bottle of wine and some great cheese and crackers.  I'll let you know the outcome, and post some pictures of the trail soon.

But in honor of my first love and our very first wedding anniversary....

Natchez is calling my name

After a very fun day with the most adorable kid in Lewisburg; I'm baking scrumptious brownies for a pot luck tonight.  I'm excited to meet new friends, and get my mind off of cute, cuddly, chubby cheeked babies.  I'm having enough of a hard time without putting one in arms reach.  Which makes me think babysitting is not my calling for the moment... but maybe brownies are.

Neiman Marcus Brownies were a staple in Christmas get-togethers at my grandfathers.  They are insanely unhealthy, and that is what makes them fabulous.  So when I eat them.. I try not to think about the cream cheese, sugar, and chocolate that I just mixed in.  Instead; I do what Jillian Michael's suggests, and imagine myself with a tiny waist and tight butt (but I'm pretty sure the positive self encouragement wasn't meant to be used while baking sweets).  The smell is starting to fill the apartment, and my heart is instantaneously wishing I had a Christmas tree and fireplace.  Something about these brownies scream home and Christmas.  Maybe that's why I love them.  Just a little pre-holiday celebration to get me through the next couple of months.

Hopefully,  your mouths are watering and you will indulge with me tonight.   Because, I never like eating chocolate alone.  :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

... and the fun begins

As a newlywed to a med student, I am not only broke... but very bored.  In an effort to entertain myself and keep up with all of my friends and family from home, I have decided to start blogging about my experiences in Lewisburg.  Being that Lewisburg has the population of about 2000 people.. I can't promise it will always be exhilarating, but I can promise lots of smiles.  Follow along while I attempt to decorate our boring, white walled, taupe colored carpet apartment into something that represents Jason and me... and hopefully lures in visitors.  I will also share my attempts to cook, all of my explorations, and personal embarrassments.. (which happen more than I would hope).  :)  It should be interesting.. so hope you enjoy!