They might not look so charming pre paint, but with a little TLC - they ended up being great apartment additions for quite a charming price. The mirror was a mere five dollars at the flea market, and the owl decor was only two! I used paint that I already had on hand and bought a three dollar pack of paint brushes... making the grand total for both projects only ten dollars. However; I will admit that next time I have a project that requires painting, I'll splurge on the paint brushes. I was constantly picking out the brush's bristles from the sticky paint. I should've listened to my dad... he always said not to buy cheap paint brushes or knock off diet coke. :) Lesson officially learned.
The owl decor went perfectly in my bathroom, and I also had quite the epiphany while hanging them. Many years from now, when I finally have a little girl... I'll name her Stella or Anabelle, paint her room pink, fill it with blue owls and hang powder blue curtains with pink polka dots on her bedroom's windows. : )
After I finished the mirror, I realized I really didn't have the space for it. So a friend of mine and I bartered a little... The yellow mirror now has a gorgeous new home in downtown Lewisburg, and I have a much needed kitchen table. "WINNING!" : )